Facing a PR Disaster? Bring in the Hammer!

Blake “The Hammer” Hamner
(the n is silent)
Crisis Communications Specialist

Everyone gets into trouble. Politicians, businesses, celebrities… even YOU. Many panic and give into their fight or flight instincts — and end up making things a lot worse. Instead, take a deep breath and hire Utopia PR, led by crisis communications expert Blake “The Hammer” Hamner. The ‘n’ is silent.

Read Blake’s book (co-written by Adam Bender) about finding work-life balance while managing crisis communications for a scandal-prone dystopian president. The Hammer explains how to dispel political controversy with clever PR tactics, including distraction, disguise and thanking the troops. Winner of the 2021 IndieReader Discovery Award for Humor.

Why You Need the Hammer

I’m a PR crisis specialist who will help you escape any scandal. Some people know me as “The Hammer,” the name of my blog from several years ago about the dumb flubs of politicians. I’d open each piece explaining who said what, with some context about why they might have said such a thing. Then, I’d write a little analysis on how they could have avoided controversy and what they could say now to get them out of trouble. To my surprise, politicians and their communications staff actually read the blog and took my advice. That led to a job working for the presidential election campaign for Our Leader.

After Our Leader won in a landslide, I joined the White House as Crisis Communications Manager. The idea was that they’d call me in to finesse the worst PR disasters. In this administration, that was not a part-time role. After managing countless crises for a government some called dystopian, I decided to break out on my own and open a vox populi consulting firm: Utopia PR.

Please read my blog and follow my ghost writer on Mastodon.

Let me know how I can help you escape crisis by sending me a message. I very much look forward to working with you.

— Blake “The Hammer” Hamner